Tumblr to join the fediverse once the wordpress migration is finished
From 2022The Tumblr blogging site has teased its plans to integrate into the Fediverse – the open social web fueled by the advertising protocol also used by mastodon, threads, flipboard and others. Now, the blog platform belonging to the PLC shares more information on the moment and the way this integration could actually occur.
It turns out that the current plan for tumblr on the open social web will come from the site planned on the site Go to WordPress infrastructure.
Automattic has confirmed to Techcrunch that when migration is finished, each Tumblr user will be able to unite their blog via ActivityPub, just as each wordpress.com user can today.
The company noted that migration could also allow other open web integrations, such as giving Tumblr users a way to execute other personalized plug-ins or themes.
Last summer, Automattic announced that it Move your half-milliard of blogs on WordPressTo facilitate the creation of tools and features of the company which worked more easily on the two services, while allowing Tumblr to take advantage of the open source developments of WordPress.org.
Although the WordPress community itself is in a state of upheavalIn the end, the execution of the Tumblr back-end on WordPress would allow greater efficiency, while not changing the interface and the experience that the Tumblr user base has learned to love.
Automattic has refused to share a delay as long as migration is completed, given its scale, but a company representative has called up to now “exciting” progress.
Users were curious about the state of the company’s open social web integrations, which Tumblr said that in 2023 was still under work. Recently, a user asked questions about the company’s plans in a question and answer session Tumblr work work blog. Here, Tumblr has confirmed that Fediverse’s integration was “a great reason” for the migration itself, and that it would include “for sure” Existing WordPress Activitypub plug-inswhich allow the owners of blogs to synchronize their messages and to participate in the wider open social web.
However, Automattic refused to share whether it examines integration with the AT protocol at any time, which feeds the Bluesky growing social networking start-up, another open social participant.
When asked specifically how Bluesky could be integrated into these plans, a spokesperson would only comment on his progress progress.