The Just Climate Climate Fund from Al Gore collects $ 175 million from Microsoft and Callstrs for nature -based climate investments

The Just Climate Climate Fund from Al Gore collects $ 175 million from Microsoft and Callstrs for nature -based climate investments

With regard to investments related to the climate, the lion’s share went to companies working in energy and transport. Most investors ignore real lions-that is to say that nature-based solutions and biodiversity tend to be short in the world of investment. Just 35 billion dollars was invested in nature -based solutions in 2022, compared to 1.46 dollars For the rest of the climate finance sector.

To resolve the deficit, Just the climate Having $ 175 million from the Microsoft and Callstrs climate innovation fund.

Just the climate is a ramification of Al Gore generation investment management. Until this year, he had focused on what he called industrial climatic solutions, as are most other private climate technology investors.

The new fund will focus on natural climatic solutions, which could include everything, from agriculture to forestry. Nature -based solutions address sources of greenhouse gases which generally fall under agriculture, forestry and the change of land use, which represent together About 15% Annual global emissions.

But nature -based solutions can also eliminate carbon dioxide which is already in the atmosphere. Reforestation projects cultivate new trees on degraded land, kidnapping carbon in wood. For example, Microsoft has recently invested in such a startup, Chestnut carbon.

The new fund aims to restore nature to reverse the loss of biodiversity and emissions from land use. The company cites some examples of possible investments, including organic fertilizers and pesticides, catering financing platforms and technologies that check the reduction of carbon and the protection of biodiversity.

Just Climate’s first investment, made in January, conducted a financing tour of the B series in Naturemetrics. The company determines the biodiversity of a site by examining what is called Edna, or environmental DNA, which is floating DNA freely in water or soil samples.

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