Openai says he formed an AI which is “really good” in creative writing

Openai says he formed an AI which is “really good” in creative writing

Attention, fiction writers. Openai can have you in its reticle.

In a Publish On Tuesday, the CEO of Openai, Sam Altman, said that the company had formed a “new model” which is “really good” in creative writing. He published a long sample of the model given the prompt “please write a new meta -fictional literary on AI and sorrow”.

“I don’t know how / when [this model] will be released, “said Altman,”[but] This is the first time that I have really been struck by something written by AI; He did so well the atmosphere of metalifying. »»

Fiction writing is not an application of the OPENAI IA has explored a lot. For the most part, the company has focused on laser on challenges in more rigid and predictable areas such as mathematics and programming. The fact that he experiences writing could suggest that Optai thinks that his latest generation of models improves considerably on the front of word formulation. Historically, ai did not prove to be a particularly talented essayist.

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