Listen to what Horizon Zero Dawn actor, Ashly Burch, thinks of Sony AI taking his job

Listen to what Horizon Zero Dawn actor, Ashly Burch, thinks of Sony AI taking his job

Hi. Let’s talk about Ai Aloy. I saw the technological demo earlier this week. Guerilla contacted me to let me know that the demo did not reflect anything that was actively in development. They did not use any of my performance for demo, so none of my facial or vocal data. And Guerilla has Aloy as a character.

So that said, I feel worried. And not worried about the guerrillas specifically or Horizon Or my performance or my career specifically, even. I feel worried about this art form. Game performance as an art form.

We are currently on strike. Sag-Aftra is on strike against video games because of the AI. Because this technology exists, because we know that game companies want to use it, we ask for protections.

So what we are fighting is that you have to get our consent before making an AI version of us in any form. You must compensate for us fairly and you have to tell us how you use this double AI.

And I feel worried not because technology exists. Not even because game companies want to use it. Because of course, they do it. They always want to use technological progress.

I just imagine that a video like this comes out that has someone who is attached to it. It has the voice or face or movement of someone. And the possibility that if we lose this fight, this person would have no recourse.

They would have no protection. Anyway to retaliate. And this possibility … it makes me so sad. It hurts my heart. It scares me.

I love this industry and this art form and I want there to be a new generation of actors. I want there to be so many other incredible game performances.

I want to be able to continue.

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