How to use Reddit’s “Verification of rules” functionality to examine your message projects

How to use Reddit’s “Verification of rules” functionality to examine your message projects

Reddit Added some features aimed at maintaining your messages live and without violation of rules in the drafting phase. Fundamentally, the platform will reflect before publishing for you.

Added in early March And currently deployed in beta on iOS and Android, the new tool for verifying the rules of the social platform allows users to verify whether their message violates the rules of subreddit before publication. Once you have written your message, you can make Reddit “Revise” to report all the problems that could have the message removed before it is live.

In the event that you do not know what are the rules of a particular Subredit, Reddit has also added a prominent note characteristic which allows you to see community criteria such as age limits or Karma minimums (the internal Reddit system in terms of community engagement).

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Here’s how to use reddit rules, if you want a second opinion before this shower thought is put online on the internet.

How to use reddit rules control

Step 1: Write your Reddit message.

Think about what you write and it will be on the Internet forever. Shocking advice, I know.

Step 2: Click the Magic Wand button at the bottom right.

This will encourage Reddit to examine the post for violations of the Community rules.

Step 3: Make adjustments or not, it’s up to you.

Just know that your message could be deleted if it breaks the rules of Sanderdit.

Similarly, Reddit has added a new feature called Post Recovery, which is now under deleted articles which violate the rules of the platform community. According to Reddit, the prompt is intended to “provide an easy way to republish the content to a sub-sous-sous-editor, helping people staying in the conversation”.

Mashable asked Reddit if there was a limit to republish the deleted messages. Currently, the limit, as a mathlete on the north shore said, does not exist.

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