Global electricity demand should increase by 4% per year until 2027

Global electricity demand should increase by 4% per year until 2027

Industry, data centers and air conditioning should all stimulate part of the fastest growth in electricity demand over the years, according to forecasts from the international energy agency.

The agency predicts in a forecast published on Friday that the world will need 4% more electricity per year until 2027. Responding to this demand will require adding more generation capacity than all Japan – each year.

While data centers in the United States have chair titles And attention, emerging and development economies will probably stimulate 85% of this growth. Chinese industries, including solar panel, battery and manufacture of electric vehicles, will help stimulate the country’s annual electricity growth to a 6%clip, slightly down compared to last year.

In the United States, growth will be lower than China, but still important, adding as much demand until 2027 as California today.

Sources with a low carbon content, mainly renewable energies and nuclear, should cover almost all of the global demand, the agency said.

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