Tiktok Security accumulates while the new potential owners circle

Tiktok Security accumulates while the new potential owners circle

Tiktok facilitates the personalization of safety parameters in the application, introducing a new All-in-one security center To better manage access and account data.

Called security check, the new dashboard offers a centralized place to activate security options on several levels and monitor suspicious activity, as well as step by step guides to improve the safety of your account.

Users can add to two authentication factors or pass keys to their log-like, for example, as well as the visualization and deletion of connected devices and see when Tiktok signals an unusual account activity. Access security verification by going to “security and authorization” under your account “Parameters and confidentiality” menu.

Mashable lighting speed

Last week, Tiktok has announced new parental control features which allow caregivers to set stronger application restrictions and to further monitor the accounts of their adolescents.

A screenshot of the new Tiktok Security Checkup dashboard, with options to activate two -factor authentication, add a key key or monitor the devices.

Credit: Tiktok

The confidentiality of the data is at the heart of Tiktok’s political concitation in the past year. In January, Tiktok briefly left pretension of a new potential property.

Before its ban, the platform belonging to Chinese people was accused of being under the influence of the interests of the foreign government, the members of the Congress arguing from its Access to American data presents a large -scale national security risk – Civil rights defense groups, on the other hand, argued against the ban. Despite Make several offersThe White House seems to go ahead with an agreement that could see an American software company Oracle taking control of the reignsBecause the platform continues to update its user control options.

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