Tesla’s inscriptions – and public opinion – are in free fall

Tesla’s inscriptions – and public opinion – are in free fall

But that’s not all. According to data from Yougov, a market study company, the printing of the company’s public has never been worse, reaching its lowest since Yougov began to follow Tesla in 2016. Yougov poses public issues on Tesla to assess the global feeling. (Sherwood reported for the first time data.)

As of March 12, the net impression for respondents through the political spectrum is -12.8. “Printing” measures if consumers have a positive or negative impression of a given brand. The company goes even worse with the Liberals, with a clear printing of -35.5. The moderates are at a clear impression -9.2. The conservatives are the only group with a positive net printing of Tesla, measured at 7.5.

Yougov also asks if the respondents would plan to buy a Tesla. According to Yougov Data, around 8% of liberals said they would plan to buy a Tesla, compared to 12% at the start of 2022. Perhaps without surprise, the percentage of conservatives who say they consider buying a Tesla went from 6.7% to 8.4%. Even these figures are lagging behind: when you consider the average response rate for all car manufacturers, 10% of the general population say they would plan to buy a vehicle.

As his business is in free fall, the owner of the billionaire Elon Musk tries to take advantage of his close relationship with the White House. Tuesday, in what can only be described as an advertising event, Donald Trump transformed the white house alley into a Tesla showroom pop-upRead A Tesla sales argument And promising to buy a vehicle. The proximity of Musk to the Trump administration follows the hundreds of millions of dollars he paid in the election of Trump. The same day as the Tesla waterfall, The New York Times reported This musk said he wanted to throw an additional $ 100 million in other Trump groups.

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