The anti-aging fanatic Bryan Johnson wants to start “Foodom sequencing”
In the same way that the sequencing of the genome determines the genetic composition of an organization, Bryan Johnson – the investor and founder behind the Do not die Movement – wants to start the sequencing “Foodoma”.
“We are going to sequence the American” Foodoma “, which means testing 20% of foods that constitute 80% of the US diet depending on the things we eat every day,” Johnson told Sxsw Festival on Thursday in Austin.
Johnson is the founder and former CEO of CoreA brain monitoring devices company, the founder of OS Fund, and the founder and former CEO of the Braintree electronic commerce company.
Today, he is obsessed with the search for means to extend his life and preach this gospel to others. He has taken extreme measures, in particular by transfusing his blood with that of his 17 -year -old son and undergoing shock therapy treatment to obtain more night erections, which, according to him, is directly in correlation with health.
Most of his advice on life extension habits are quite easy to guess: be better asleep. Spend time with the community. Exercise. Eat healthy. But Johnson says that it is not as easy to eat healthy as you think.
“I want to be real with you. It is simply very difficult to buy clean foods, “he said, noting that most grocery foods, even organic brands, could have toxins of various treatment methods.
Its objective is to test as much food as possible and create a public database where people can give money to have certain foods and brands tested for toxins such as heavy metals or microplastics. The results, he hopes, will hold the marks responsible for dangerous eating practices.
The idea received a series of applause from the crowded public of SXSW, which has impatiently participated in the various Breathing exercises of Johnson, invites to move and in a longevity experience which involved balancing a foot with the closed eyes. (I arrived at 30 seconds – No problem.)
Johnson faced a lot of hatred online for his eccentric philosophy only with the advent of AI, we can be the first generation that does not have to die.
“We give birth to super intelligence. This is the greatest thing that is happening all over the world now, “said Johnson, adding that no existing ideology explains how to manage AI and that the survival of our species is no longer guaranteed that AI has entered the table.
“The human race would be wise to reuse its objectives [around AI and] Far from money at all costs to “not die”. »»
In other words, while we debate the alignment of AI with the human race, why not align AI with the mission of preserving human life? Why not, he asks, uses AI to exploit millions of “geniuses at human level” to follow human progress and take up the greatest challenges of aging?
It is a provocative question and which has aroused criticism of skeptics which argue that death is an essential element of the human being.
Dr Andrew Steele, scientist of longevity, recognize This eating well and exercise helps to prolong life, but that genetics – not extreme measures – plays a more important role in determining life expectancy.
But this perspective has not dissuaded Johnson from promoting his “Blueprint protocol”, his lifestyle formula to maintain what he says is the best biomarkers in the world. It also markets its own line of supplements and food. Its olive oil brand is ironically – or named snake oil.