The new CEO of Docker is the former leader of Oracle Cloud Don Johnson

The new CEO of Docker is the former leader of Oracle Cloud Don Johnson

Docker Docker has a new CEO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Vice-President Don Johnson (photo above) landed in the Hotseat from Wednesday. Holder Scott Johnston will leave the business with immediate effect.

During his eight -year fate in Oracle, Johnson played a decisive role Transition of the company of its roots inherited on site to the cloudConfigure the OIC unit and direct the company Resurgence in recent years.

Before Oracle, Johnson has worked as an engineer at AWS since the creation of Amazon’s cloud division.

Docker is looking for identification information that she seeks to develop in fields of the whole “development life cycle”, including cloud -based services.

“Docker both feels like a new cool startup and the foundation of the native universe of the container, now widespread and moving towards omnipresent, while the native cloud takes over the world,” said Johnson in a statement announcing his appointment.

Johnson is the sixth CEO of Docker, according to the co-founder Solomon Hykes who led the company until 2013; Ben Golubwho left in 2017 To make way for Steve Singh; And Rob Bearden, who was the CEO of the company For only six months before the Docker product manager Scott Johnston was promoted to direct the company in 2019.

Docker station

Last value at $ 2.1 billion During his series C, three years ago, Palo Alto docker Hiche his corporate business In Mirantis while Johnston took the reins six years ago. This agreement reported a change in strategic concentration as competing container services – such as Kubernetes led by Google And Redhat Openshift – had gained ground.

Subsequently, Docker “returned to its roots”, targeting the work tools of developers and the workflows of containers rather than competing with corporate infrastructure. This including new services covering the debugging, the security of the supply chain, container testsand a Cloud -based container construction service He launched last year.

Containeurization involves packaging software and dependencies in portable and isolated environments (called “containers”), ensuring that the software runs consistently on all systems – on a machine, a local server or anyone What a cloud environment a company wishes to deploy.

So, as IA and Cloud converges, with Docker pushing his own AI tools in the mixtureDocker sees a new opportunity to come.

“There are so many possibilities to resolve the wide range of challenges to which developers and businesses continue to fight – construction and management of the latest AI models, the race and the operation in a secure and evolving, to the realization of advanced levels of conformity, to quite simply, does not break the construction in CI[Integrationbontinue”adamplejohnslamoreall-to-makeandthenopertexpetexpexchoses”[continuousintegration”Johnsonsaid“EverhythingishardeharithanithandbeeverychallengetdaTaDendaSanopPortnityForustostepinTaKeonthebardenandhebardenandheirliveseSeyou’RegoingSeDockersolvetheseProbblesBuildingandinNovatantinGandstHippingTHingSt”[intégrationcontinue»adéclaréJohnson«Toutestplusdifficilequ’ilnedevraitl’êtreChaquedéfiauquellesdéveloppeurssontconfrontéssontuneopportunitépournousd’intervenirdeprendrelefardeauetdeleurfaciliterlavieVousallezvoirDockerrésoudrecesproblèmesetplusencoreconstruireetinnoveretexpédierrapidementleschoses»[continuousintegration”Johnsonsaid“EverythingisharderthanitshouldbeEverychallengethatdevelopersfaceisanopportunityforustostepintakeontheburdenandmaketheirliveseasierYou’regoingtoseeDockersolvetheseproblemsandmorebuildingandinnovatingandshippingthingsfast”

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