Google simulated a Gemini Ai response in its Super Bowl advertisement

Google simulated a Gemini Ai response in its Super Bowl advertisement

While we sit while waiting Super Bowl Lix To start, a Google The commercial set that takes place during the big match was criticized Again.

In a Super Bowl salesperson designed theoretically to praise the virtues of his Gemini AI chatbot, Google has actually rigged the AI ​​part, according to The penis. The announcementIn which a company called Wisconsin Cheese Mart uses Gemini to offer a product description for Gouda, shows a block of text from a paragraph on Gouda which was lifted directly from the Wisconsin Cheese Website, as seen on the Wayback Machine Back at least until 2020:

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“Gouda is a Dutch cheese named after the city of Gouda in the Netherlands. It is one of the most popular cheeses in the world, representing 50 to 60% of the consumption of cheeses in the world. The smoked gouda is A variant of this famous cheese, smoked in brick ovens on flamboyant Hickory chips.

In case you ask yourself the question, Gemini was born three entire years after this block of text has been written, and it is copied and glued textually in advertising as if Gemini wrote it. It is starting to be even worse for Gemini when you consider that the same advertisement should be Silently edited Because part that Gemini did Including alone, a Gouda statistic being the most consumed cheese in the world, turned out to be false.

So, in other words, the text of the Gemini which is true was really written by a human several years ago, and the only part of that which Gemini brought himself was a lie. There must be a better way to publish a generative AI than that.

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